Labor documents

Current Memoranda of Understanding/Agreement
A Memorandum of Understanding/Agreement (MOU/MOA) is a written contract negotiated between the County and the applicable Union which covers the terms and conditions of employment.

View current Memoranda of Understanding/Agreement

Departmental agreements
Departmental Agreements are agreements between a specific department and the Union covering hours, job assignments, shifts, shift assignments, overtime, seniority, and holiday and vacation scheduling. If no Departmental Agreement exists for a particular area, the primary Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) must be followed.

View departmental agreements

Side letter agreements
A side letter is an agreement between the County and the Union that coincides with, but is not part of, the primary Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Side letters are often used to address issues not covered by the MOU, to provide clarification of an issue in the MOU, or to amend the primary MOU.

View side letter agreements

Side letter agreements: O'Connor Hospital and Saint Louise Regional Hospital
A side letter is an agreement between the County and the Union that coincides with, but is not part of, the primary Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Side letters are often used to address issues not covered by the MOU, to provide clarification of an issue in the MOU, or to amend the primary MOU.

View hospital side letter agreements

Old Memoranda of Understanding/Agreement
Find previous MOU/MOA between the County of Santa Clara and represented employees here. 

View old MOU/MOA library